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  • Sonic X Episode 14 Shown in UK today

    Today at 4pm on Fox Kids and 5pm on Fox Kids+, the 14th episode of Sonic X was shown, indicating that the run of the new series has started. There will be a new episode every weekday at 4pm (and again at 5pm on FK+), and the concluding episode (#26) will be shown on Thursday 24th of June.

    Sonic X Saga 2 UK

    Sonic X Saga 2 UK
    Hot News for UK'ers.

    Hi gang, this is Cosmic, Guardian of the Time Stones of the Micro Planet, keeping you upto date on the latest Sonic happenings in the UK.

    Fox Kids (609) on UK Satellite, is showing saga 2 of Sonic X eps 14-26 of Sonic X, NOW, as I write this episode 14 is playing right now.

    I'm recording them now, and I'm sure we all can't wait for a decent encode of ep 26 (for those that download them).


    Time Stones Guardian
    Micro Planet

    Sonic Advance 3

    Who is the Emerl look-alike in Sonic Advance 3? He's in a lot of the game (like every boss), but the instruction manual says basically nothing about him. Thanx!

    Sonic X on GBA

    Yes folks! Sonic X is now out for GBA. 2 eps on one cart. You can purchase your copy of Sonic X at Kay-bee toys or at Electronic Boutique. Price $19.99

    Site Problem

    On the sonic heroes page, a large group of links are not working. These links include all of the links pointing to and the link to (in short, all of the linkes marked "Download" are not working - all of the audio and a large portion of the video). Could this be a problem on my end, or is the site down?


    Sonic Adventure Sound Track

    Do you know who the music artists of Tails's theme song on Sonic Adventure titled 'Believe In Myself'? If not, do you know where I might be able to find this information? Thanks.

    The WHOLE Story

    I know Sonic HQ has comic scans, but can I read the whole comic on this sight, instead of just 1 or 2 pages?

    Sonic #140 Preview Cover

    Sonic #140 CoverSONIC THE HEDGEHOG #140

    "The Return to Angel Island" Part 3 of 4: The struggle to free Angel Island from the Evil Dr. Robotnik and protect the Master Emerald continues! Can Sonic, Knuckles and The Chaotix stand together, or will their petty differences divide them? Meanwhile, the fate of the Guardians hangs in the balance! SCRIPT: Karl Bollers. ART: Jon Gray (pencils) and Mike Higgins (inks). "A Difference of Opinion": When King Sonic and the Guardian Knuckles have a late night discussion of the possible end of Mobius, much of the "past" is revealed in the future! Don't miss their surprising predictions in this far-flung tale! SCRIPT: Ken Penders. ART: Steven Butler (pencils) and Jim Amash (inks).

    Source: Westfield Comics