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  • Interview With Nigel Kitching

    Sonic HQ's exclusive interview with European Fleetway writer and artist Nigel Kitching is here! He's been called the best of the best in Fleetway writers and has written stories that have proven to be the basis of the entire Fleetway Sonic continuity. The following message was sent to him to precede the interview. This interview is done by Zachary and was ready on October 19, 1999. Now, read on!

    Interview With Robert Brown and Francis Tolbert

    Brian Sapinski brings us this interview with Robert Brown and Francis Tolbert. For over 3 years, these two men from the Bronx have the greatest writing duo in all of Sonic fandom. They have continued to amaze us with their incredible stories. Originally, their stories gave their opinion of what may have occurred in the Saturday morning cartoon if the show had continued into a 3rd season. Since the time they began, however, their stories have evolved into a universe of their own, one that continues to grow in adventure, excitement, and emotion.

    Interview With Kedzie K

    This interview is done by WB, the forgotten one...:-) Seriously, WB will be doing a few interviews now to help out with tough college schedule faced by both him and Vector. Anyway, this interview is with Kedzie K., the webmaster of the super-popular Sonic fan site: The Sonic Foundation! Not only is it a great site to visit, it also has a news page simular to ours. And if you visit our links page, you'll see that this is the only page that received a perfect score of 20/20 from one of our reviewers. Now go on and read the interview.

    Interview With Ruby Echidna

    This interview is done by Vector, our regular interview guy. You can contact Vector via Mobius Forum of Sonic HQ. Vector this time brings us a very good interview with long time Sonic fan and all around great artist Dawn Marie Best, AKA Ruby Echidna. Ruby's one of the first Sonic artists on the net. Recently, she started off a fan comic called Sonic Ideal. Click here to visit Sonic Ideal's homepage. Now there's some bad news, she's leaving the Sonic Fandom! Why? Read on and find out.

    Interview With Mettle Sonic

    This interview is done by Vector, the new member of the Sonic HQ News Crew. He'll be doing the interviews from now on. We thank Vector for this GREAT interview with Mettle Sonic, the developer of the Sonic RPG. We suggest that everyone tryout this game. It's shaping up to be a good if not great fun game. Mettle does need some help in making the game, so if you're interested, email him. Also, please visit the Sonic RPG page. And here's the Sonic HQ EXCLUSIVE interview: