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  • Sonic Boom Season 2’s “Robots from the Sky” Debuts this Saturday

    Sonic Boom, the cartoon, has gained general appeal amongst Sonic fans. Episodes are chopped up into 11 minute episodes and usually one 11 minute episode airs each Saturday per week. There has also never been any continuation from episode to episode. Sure, maybe you'll see some of the same robots or quick references but that's it. That changes this weekend.

    This Saturday, we'll get the first of a 4 parter, "Robots from the Sky."

    Another look at Sonic Forces in Green Hill

    Sega has released to the public an entire act of Classic Sonic in Green Hill along with some high resolution screenshots. Click the thumbnails to see them in their 5K glory.

    One thing interesting to note is that the number at the end of each of the filenames of these images are UNIX time stamps. 1492046832 for example is Thu, 13 Apr 2017 01:27:12 GMT or likely the time these screens were taken.

    Sonic Forces third character teased

    We got a sneak peak of the third character in the upcoming Sonic Forces game during Nintendo Direct and it looks like to be... some wolf guy?

    Sonic Forces 3rd character teaser

    It's obviously a tease. There's also rumors floating around that this is really just stand in for a custom character creation tool but I'm not buying it.

    Do you want high res Sonic Adventure art?

    Duh, of course you do. The recently-started Video Game History Foundation has begun archiving media assets sent to press from game companies. Among the first uploads is a zip disk of “Sonic Adventure character art”, which includes 3 super high resolution pieces of promo art from the game. Check ’em out:   (Click the pics […]

    Virtual Reality in Sonic Forces leaves journalists vomiting 24 hours after playing

    Sega revealed today behind closed doors to the press that the upcoming Sonic Forces game would INDEED include VR support for the PS4, Oculus and HTC Vive. Sadly, nothing has been said regarding the Nintendo Switch as Nintendo currently has no plans for VR. Players will be able to strap on a helmet and see in first person what Sonic sees when he runs.

    This hasn’t been a great experience, unfortunately. Mrs Fogherty of Polygon had this to report:

    “It was great until I started to go REALLY fast. I had never experienced such a rush of speed. I forced myself to get used to it but then I jumped and that’s when I had to reach for a bucket. I hope they fix this before release. They should NOT have the camera rotate along with Sonic when you jump. This is asking for trouble.”

    It’s not unusual to hear about nausea when using VR, unfortunately, it gets worse.

    “I don’t even think I could play another VR game now. The experience has left me constantly nauseous ever since. The game is otherwise fun to play. Just don’t play with VR, whatever you do. I may try again with a wet rag but I’m not sure yet. I wasn’t the only one either!”

    Well there you have it. Looks like Sonic wasn’t made for Virtual Reality or hopefully they work out the bugs before release. Sonic Forces will release later this year for PC, PS4, XBox One and Nintendo Switch.

    We were able to get a sneak peak of the VR demo in Sonic Forces as seen below:

    Rumors of Archie Comics dropping Sonic

    This is not looking good.

    Yesterday, Bleeding Cool posted an article noting that you could no longer subscribe to the comic via Archie's website. As you can see there, no Sonic options. This is also the deep link for the Sonic The Hedgehog book and Sonic Universe, which again, is missing the option to subscribe.

    Earlier today, Sonic Stadium user doctorbenMD called Archie to get some more information and was told the book may be ending at 290. This is far from fully confirmed but if so, looks like the book was dropped suddenly. Archie nor Sega have made a public statement yet. I'll update this as more information comes.

    Some more reading on this:

    Update: Jan 23 2017

    There still has been no official word from Archie regarding the cancellation of the comics however, new solicitations have come out. This will be updated when subscriptions have been resolved.

    Update: Feb 22 2017

    Archie has not released any Sonic solicitations for May. In addition, issues 291 and 292 have been pushed to April according to Previews World. Sega and Archie have maintained a stiff lip for now.

    Off to a new server and more updates

    We’ve made all around optimizations to the site. Moved to a new server Rewritten Music section Comics section optimizations Other misc UI updates This should hopefully mean more exciting updates in the future as well.

    From the depths of SHQ’s archives

    SHQ has received a lot of various "rumors" over the years. Mostly in the past. Considering it's now been over 10 years since these "reports" were submitted, I figured to shed some light on a few. I won't be showing the names. Just the title and content. These were all submitted to SHQ's older news feed.