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  • BREAKING NEWS: Bad News for Sega Fans?

    GameSpot reported earlier this week that Isao Okawa, chairman of Sega Enterprises Ltd., commented on the Dreamcast's future, and said, when translated from Japanese to English, that the Dreamcast would be the last major piece of hardware from Sega, and that the company would focus on software and the Internet. Several web site reports falsified this, except Daily Radar, who has written up an 'interview'. Here is an excerpt from it:

    Daily Radar: You've got ambitious sales goals: two million units by March, six million by end of year 2000. Can you meet them? What happens if you don't?

    Isao Okawa: Well, I can't really comment on that, but I will say that the future doesn't necessarily lie in the hardware business. I think in the future there is the possibility of Sega becoming a software-only company. I think, if you look to the future, after e-commerce, the next trend after that will be e-services. I want Sega to be there, and I think games may be one of the major reasons for that trend to take off, so we will still be making a lot of efforts in games and entertainment! But that role may be redefined in time.

    DR: So, if Dreamcast doesn't sell, you will make a shift to being a software-only company?

    IO: Well, even if Dreamcast does sell, we will make that shift! Online and networked entertainment is the future, and that is how we will compete in the future. It really doesn't matter how fast we sell hardware in regard to the speed with which we transition ourselves into the new networked century. And the Dreamcast machine has a huge competitive edge right now for this.

    Sega of America has denied this, and several fans are very confused as to the credibility of this story. Sonic HQ News will keep you posted on this, including a Special RA Edition this Saturday, with the public's thoughts on this situation.

    Sonic Pocket Adventure – Get The Ring!

    SNK announced that Sonic Pocket Adventure for NGPC will have two new versus modes, which enable two players to battle over the link cable. The two VS modes are Get the Ring and Sonic Rush, in Get the Ring you try to collect as many rings in a given time, and Sonic Rush is a […]

    Dreamcast To Be Awarded By Popular Science

    The Dreamcast has been selected to receive the “prestigious”, Popular Science Magazine’s 12th annual “Best of What’s New” Award. The editors of the magazine consider thousands of new products, technology developments and scientific achievements for the award, and only select 100 of them as “The Best of What’s New.” The Dreamcast will be featured in […]

    Sonic Team News – Chu Chu Rocket Japanese Advertisement

    Now this is just weird… SoJ has just released the television commercial for Sonic Team’s Chu Chu Rocket. Take a look at the commercial currently airing in Japan, downloadable below. A must-download for fans of quirky Japanese pop-culture, this one is a definite eye-grabber… Chu Chu Advert MPEG – 1.06 Megs (0:15) Source: Gamefan Online

    Spaz Does Sonic , Crash, and Pikachu…

    In his latest cover for Gamefan, Archie Comics cover artist Patrick Spaziante lends his impressive anime stylings once again on Sonic, and newcomers Crash Bandicoot (on his motorcycle no less), and even that ever annoying little yellow-rat Pikachu. ^_^ We’ve decided to start archiving Mr. Spaziante’s Gamefan covers in our Image Downloads section. Check back […]

    Sonic Fan Game has CIH Virus?

    On the Sonic Fan Games HQ, Rlan, the webmaster, made a terrible discovery about one of the games that was up at his site- it may have had a virus. Sonic Y2K Extreme is the game, and an alert player caught it on his Virus Scan console. Rlan has re-uploaded the game, CIH free, at […]

    Breaking News – The Official Sonic Sequel Confirmed!

    During multiple speeches yesterday at the 9th Annual Toy and Interactive Entertainment Conference, Sega of America revealed a few interesting tidbits regarding the future of both their software line-up and their Online itinerary: Peter Moore revealed that the Dreamcast is currently slated to have over 160 titles available by the end of the year 2000, […]

    Dreamcast Sales Remain Red Hot!

    The sales figures which have been mounting over the last few weeks are proof that the Dreamcast is a success in the United States. Mr. Moore, the Senior Vice President of Marketing at SOA stated recently that the public has already purchased exactly 750,862 units as of October 31. What does this mean? For Sega, […]

    Ken Penders To Post K2YL Preview?

    Knuckles: 20 Years later is probaly the most anticipated Archie Sonic comic of 2000 aside from Sonic #100 and for good reason – supposedly not only is Knuckles supposed to have a daughter “Lara-Su”, but this is considered to be the true sequel to the very first Super Special: Sonic: In Your Face – which […]

    Petition Petition – Who’s Got The Petition

    In the wake of the Archie Knuckles cancellation, Sonic fans all from all over have gotten together to create a petition to try and help save the book and convince Archie that cancelling it was indeed a mistake – especially after the release of Sonic Adventure, a guaranteed sales booster. Headed by True Red – […]